
Botswana Medical Requirements:

A yellow fever certificate will be needed if coming from an endemic area.
Malaria precautions are advised at all times.
Bilharzia is present as well as sleeping sickness.
Polio recommended
Tetanus recommended if coming from an infected area
Hepatitis A & B recommended
Typhoid recommended
Rabies present
Boiled or bottled water advised
Unpasteurised milk bust be boiled

Although we have yet to have one client that has returned home from a safari and reported to have contracted an illness or received a snake bite, scorpion sting or any of the sort, the following information is purely here to give you the traveler to Africa some basic background on how to prevent and treat any such ailments. However, you will invariably be hosted by a safari camp, lodge or hotel at which the staff are prepared on how to stabilize, treat as well as prevent typical injuries, bites, stings and other conditions that may befall a person when out in the bush.

The number of travellers is constantly on the rise. This means a greater risk of propagation and contamination by contagious disease. These risks vary however, with the region visited, the duration of stay and living conditions. The situation is sometimes worsened by the illusion of effective health protection at the borders, and by governments who delay or refute notification of the onset of an epidemic. Thus, an increasing number of those who are led to travel to tropical countries for business or pleasure, tend to consult their physician either before their departure, for qualified advice, or when a bout of fever, diarrhoea or some other symptoms occur upon returning home. While specific situations should be taken into account, physicians should be guided by the basic rules:

General hygiene

Additionally, consideration should be made of:
Any chronic disorder you may have i.e. asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac disorder, epilepsy, porphyria etc.
Any medication you may be taking
Pregnant women, or anyone planning a pregnancy
Children under five, or breast-fed children
Pilots, mountaineers, divers
Allergies i.e. to insects (bees), foods (nuts), medication