The sheer enormity of the Kalahari is difficult to imagine. The Kalahari desert itself is a massive 900,000 square kilometers (350,000 square miles) covering much of Botswana and parts of South Africa and Namibia. The surrounding Kalahari Basin extends this area to 2.5 million square kilometers (970,000 square miles) encroaching into Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe, making it the largest sand basin in the world! The Kalahari receives a small amount of rainfall and is actually quite well vegetated, so for this reason it is considered to be a semi-desert rather than a true desert. Acacia trees and a variety of savannah herbs and grasses support the resident animals and birds. After the summer rains, the plains flourish into a grazing wonderland and a haven for migratory birds and the arid Kalahari becomes one of the prime game-viewing areas in Botswana. The Kalahari’s Makgadikgadi Pans and Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) offer a great range of safari camp and lodge accommodation options.